Motorists can look forward to starting 2016 with savings at the pumps as diesel has fallen below £1 per litre at a range of UK supermarket fuel stations.
The big four – Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco – have all slashed their prices below £1 for a litre of diesel for the start of 2016. Morrissons was the first of the supermarket chains to offer diesel at 99.7 pence per litre, with the others swiftly following suit.
Motorists shopping at either Morrisons, Asda or Tesco will find diesel sold at 99.7ppl while those refuelling at Sainsbury’s forecourts will pay 99.9ppl. Diesel fuel hasn’t been sold this cheap since 2009.
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Tesco has over 500 forecourts across the UK, while Asda and Sainsbury’s have 277 and 301 each, respectively. Morrisons has 336 filling stations across the country.
The cuts follow earlier news of supermarkets slashing petrol prices below £1 back in November – though petrol has since risen back to an average of 102.22 pence per litre.
Currently oil is trading at just under $40 per barrel. This along with the frozen fuel duty in the Chancellor’s latest budget means motorists can look forward to low prices at least until March, when the budget is to be revised.
Avishai Moor, Sainsbury’s Head of Fuel, said: “This is great news for diesel drivers and kicks off 2016 on a really positive note. We hope that this will help motorists to balance their budgets in the quieter period after Christmas and the New Year.”
Are you pleased to see fuel prices come down in 2016? Do you think it will last? Let us know in the comments section below...