A bogus unmarked police car with flashing lights and fake cops armed with guns and body armour is praying on honest motorists, Essex Police have warned.
Drivers are being told not to stop if an unmarked police car tries to pull them over after two vans were stolen by fake officers on the M11 and M25.
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The thieves, dressed in police uniforms and, in one incident, carrying a handgun, used blue flashing lights. And with drivers warned not to stop, Essex officers have also been told not to try and pull people over when in unmarked cars unless it's an emergency.
Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Smith said: "We have taken this decision to safeguard motorists in Essex while these offenders remain outstanding.
"Our victims have told us that the suspects are purporting to be police officers and are wearing body armour to further enhance this deception in order to steal these vans.
"Anyone who is signalled at to stop by someone in a car which may appear to be an unmarked police car is asked not to stop but to call 999 immediately to verify whether the vehicle and its occupants are genuine."
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