Cool cars have been a focal point for heated motoring discussions for decades, but before 2017 ends, we would like to officially name the coolest car ever. To do this we have pooled our expertise and come up with a shortlist of 25 cars that we think can get no cooler.
Obviously, the definition of cool is highly subjective and can vary from person to person. Cool is an indefinable quality that extends way beyond the performance numbers printed on a spec sheet and that’s partly why there is such a diverse range of vehicles on our list. Some of the cars are cheap and can be picked up for a few thousand pounds, whereas others cost more than the average Brit makes in a lifetime.
Like the price, the rarity of the cars also varies. Granted, a one-off supercar inherently carries some weight in the awesome-stakes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can qualify for our cool cars list, let alone take home the title of coolest car ever. A cool car can’t make you look like you’re trying too hard.
Finally, we have not discriminated on grounds of age. Some of those on our list date all the way back to the black and white times and feature technology which is long out of date. However, if you think about how advanced the engineering was when each car was released, or how its design shaped the future of the motor industry, these old timers are incredibly cool.
So read on, look at our shortlist, examine your gut instincts and vote for the car you think should be crowned as the coolest ever...