Summer driving means suicidal insects, smearing windscreens and mirrors and splattering paintwork and grilles. A soapy mitt or sponge may shift them if you tackle the mess straight away, but if you leave it to bake on, you will require specialist help.
Dedicated bug cleaners work by soaking the hardened dead insects, releasing their grip on the car. They can then be taken off with a wipe of a cloth or blast from a hose. The number of solutions now on the market shows just how much of a problem this is for UK drivers, but which is the one to keep your car sparkling this summer? We sprayed on eight to find out.
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How we tested them
Our test windscreen and bumper were brushed clean of loose debris before we tackled sections with each of the eight cleaners we’d selected to test. Wiping was restricted and we assessed progress, plus we looked at how well each solution clung to the vertical panels – important, as the bugs need time to soak.
Also rated was what each product could tackle, and how easy they were to use. Plus, we factored in prices from a range of online sources as we went to press.
Price plays a big role here, and results were closely matched. Simoniz’s new-look cleaner best combines cleaning with cost to take the win. New Kenotek takes second from top-performing Gtechniq.
1. Simoniz Insect & Tar Remover
2. Kenotek Pro Anti Insect
3. Gtechniq W8 Bug Remover